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[Addons] BaseBuilder 6.6 + Arme Gold / CSO + Credite + VIP


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  • Tip: BaseBuilder 
  • Autor: eVo
  • Versiune: 6.6
  • Descriere: Accest Addons contine Arme Gold / CSO + Credite + VIP [Arhiva contine: models / sound / sprites]
  • Imagini: obligatoriu: -
  • Plugin-uri
    ;--------------------------- Default Plugins ------------------------------ 
    admin.amxx	; admin base (required for any admin-related)
    admincmd.amxx	; basic admin console commands
    adminslots.amxx	; slot reservation
    multilingual.amxx	; Multi-Lingual management
    menufront.amxx	; front-end for admin menus
    cmdmenu.amxx	; command menu (speech, settings)
    plmenu.amxx	; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
    mapsmenu.amxx	; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
    pluginmenu.amxx	; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin
    adminchat.amxx	; console chat commands
    antiflood.amxx	; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
    scrollmsg.amxx	; displays a scrolling message
    adminvote.amxx	; vote commands
    nextmap.amxx	; displays next map in mapcycle
    mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map
    timeleft.amxx	; displays time left on map
    pausecfg.amxx	; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
    statscfg.amxx	; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands
    --------------------------- Outher Plugins ------------------------------
    admin_fix.amxx  ; Acest plugin va reincarca adminii noi adaugati fara a mai fi necesara schimbarea hartii.
    AdminPrefixes.amxx  ; Acest plugin adauga un prefix in chat.
    bb_basebuilder66.amxx  ; Pluginul de Baza BaseBuilder
    bb_classes66.amxx  ; Clase Pentru Zombie
    bb_ad_manager.amxx   ;  Acest plugin afiseaza messaje in chat ( colorate ).
    bb_allow_roundfinish.amxx  ; Acest plugin permite jucarea ultimei runde .
    bb_auto_join_on_connect.amxx  ; Acest plugin trimite automat jucatorii la una din echipe.
    bb_camera.amxx  ; Acest plugin ofera 3 moduri de vizualizarea persoanei .
    bb_gag.amxx   ; Blocheaza chatul pe o durata de timp limitata jucatorilor care foloses un lombaj indecent.
    bb_hook.amxx  ; Hook in timpul de construit pentru a-ti aduce piesele mai repede la locul unde iti faci baza.
    bb_human_races.amxx  ; Rase pentru CT.
    bb_playedtime.amxx  ; Poti vedea timpul petrecut pe Server direct de pe GT 
    bb_stuck.amxx  ;  Te deblocheaza automat.
    bb_vip.amxx  ; VIP
    frostnades.amxx  ; Granade care ingheata.
    nademodes.amxx  ; Gradana care arde (gen molotov).
    napalm_nades.amxx  ; Moduri pentru grandade.
    ultimate_who.amxx ; Afiseaza admini online
    cso_credite.amxx  ; Sistem de Credite pentru Shop
    cso_shop.amxx  ; Shop cu diverse Iteme + Arme Gold + Arme CSO.
    cso_balrog3.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
    cso_Etheral.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
    cso_Firecracker.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
    cso_needler.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
    cso_oicw.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
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La 08.06.2018 la 16:47, justMe. a spus:
  • Tip: BaseBuilder 
  • Autor: eVo
  • Versiune: 6.6
  • Descriere: Accest Addons contine Arme Gold / CSO + Credite + VIP [Arhiva contine: models / sound / sprites]
  • Imagini: obligatoriu: -
  • Plugin-uri
    ;--------------------------- Default Plugins ------------------------------ 
    admin.amxx	; admin base (required for any admin-related)
    admincmd.amxx	; basic admin console commands
    adminslots.amxx	; slot reservation
    multilingual.amxx	; Multi-Lingual management
    menufront.amxx	; front-end for admin menus
    cmdmenu.amxx	; command menu (speech, settings)
    plmenu.amxx	; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
    mapsmenu.amxx	; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
    pluginmenu.amxx	; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin
    adminchat.amxx	; console chat commands
    antiflood.amxx	; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
    scrollmsg.amxx	; displays a scrolling message
    adminvote.amxx	; vote commands
    nextmap.amxx	; displays next map in mapcycle
    mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map
    timeleft.amxx	; displays time left on map
    pausecfg.amxx	; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
    statscfg.amxx	; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands
    --------------------------- Outher Plugins ------------------------------
    admin_fix.amxx  ; Acest plugin va reincarca adminii noi adaugati fara a mai fi necesara schimbarea hartii.
    AdminPrefixes.amxx  ; Acest plugin adauga un prefix in chat.
    bb_basebuilder66.amxx  ; Pluginul de Baza BaseBuilder
    bb_classes66.amxx  ; Clase Pentru Zombie
    bb_ad_manager.amxx   ;  Acest plugin afiseaza messaje in chat ( colorate ).
    bb_allow_roundfinish.amxx  ; Acest plugin permite jucarea ultimei runde .
    bb_auto_join_on_connect.amxx  ; Acest plugin trimite automat jucatorii la una din echipe.
    bb_camera.amxx  ; Acest plugin ofera 3 moduri de vizualizarea persoanei .
    bb_gag.amxx   ; Blocheaza chatul pe o durata de timp limitata jucatorilor care foloses un lombaj indecent.
    bb_hook.amxx  ; Hook in timpul de construit pentru a-ti aduce piesele mai repede la locul unde iti faci baza.
    bb_human_races.amxx  ; Rase pentru CT.
    bb_playedtime.amxx  ; Poti vedea timpul petrecut pe Server direct de pe GT 
    bb_stuck.amxx  ;  Te deblocheaza automat.
    bb_vip.amxx  ; VIP
    frostnades.amxx  ; Granade care ingheata.
    nademodes.amxx  ; Gradana care arde (gen molotov).
    napalm_nades.amxx  ; Moduri pentru grandade.
    ultimate_who.amxx ; Afiseaza admini online
    cso_credite.amxx  ; Sistem de Credite pentru Shop
    cso_shop.amxx  ; Shop cu diverse Iteme + Arme Gold + Arme CSO.
    cso_balrog3.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
    cso_Etheral.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
    cso_Firecracker.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
    cso_needler.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
    cso_oicw.amxx  ; Arma CSO.
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