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  1. Server CS 1.6 + HLDS (vps - ubuntu 16.04.5) prin STEAM CMD! Va conectati la VPS si folositi urmatoarele comenzi: sub fiecare comanda aveti si explicatia cu ceea ce face. cd /home && mkdir steamcmd && cd steamcmd aceasta comanda face un folder in /home cu numele cs ( /home/cs/ ) sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 instaleaza libraria respectiva curl -sqL "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz" | tar zxvf - descarca steamcmd si il extrage automat ./steamcmd.sh porneste consola steamcmd login anonymous se logheaza pe steam ca anonim force_install_dir ./csdefault/ seteaza folderul in care vor fi descarcate fisierele serverului (cstrike, models, maps, etc) app_update 90 -beta beta validate aceste comenzi descarca fisierele pentru serverul cu modul cstrike daca apare "Success! App '90' fully installed." serverul a fost instalat daca apar erori lasati PM. cd /home/steamcmd && mv csdefault /home/ muta serverul in directorul /home/csdefault/ acolo o sa gasiti toate fisierele. Serverul de CS 1.6 este gata, daca aveti probleme nu ezitati sa lasati PM ReHlds Cine foloseste ReHlds? ei: https://www.gametracker.com/search/?search_by=server_variable&search_by2=sv_version Ce este ReHlds?: Este un proiect OpenSource unde si tu poti sa participi si care se ocupa de rezolvarea bugurilor de CS 1.6 de mai bine de 5 ani. ReHlds este usor de instalat nu dureaza mult, mai jos aveti fiecare pas care trebuie urmat: 1. Descarcati si extrageti pe desktop ultima versiune de aici: http://nexus.rehlds.org/nexus/content/repositories/rehlds-dev/rehlds/rehlds/ fisierul sa arate asa: rehlds-x.x.x.x-dev.zip 2. Extrageti arhiva, mergeti in bin > linux32 copiati toate fisiere de acolo pe serverul vostru ftp in folderul csdefault daca aveti serverul facut dupa tutorialul de mai sus altfel in directorul unde se afla si folderul cstrike, daca va apare o notificare ca fisierele deja exista dati inlocuire. Si ati terminat cu ReHlds momentan. Daca aveti probleme nu ezitati sa lasati PM PS. Folosind ReHlds scapati de multe probleme, fakeplayers, dproto, pluginuri inutile pentru protectie, etc. AMXMODX BASE - CSTRIKE Urmariti pasi de mai jos daca vreti sa instalati amxmodx mai bine zis addons din cstrike: 1. Intrati pe site-ul oficial https://www.amxmodx.org/downloads.php descarcati AMX Mod X Base si Counter-Strike Addon platforma linux in cazul meu, 2. Extrageti AMX Mod X Base intr-un folder pe Desktop dupa care in acelasi folder extrageti si Counter-Strike Addon daca va apare o notificare ca fisierele deja exista dati inlocuire, 3. Copiati folderul addons pe serverul de cs ftp in directorul cstrike. AmxMox acum este instalat, daca aveti probleme nu ezitati sa lasati PM. Metamod Metamod este necesar pentru serverul vostru deoarece trebuie mai tarziu sa instalam si Reunion, urmariti urmatori pasi pentru instalare: 1. Intrati pe site-ul oficial https://www.amxmodx.org/downloads.php descarcati Metamod extrageti arhiva pe Desktop intr-un folder, 2. Copiati folderul addons pe serverul de cs ftp in directorul cstrike, 3. Deschideti liblist.gam aflat in cstrike pe serverul de cs ftp, si inlocuiti: gamedll "dlls\mp.dll" gamedll_linux "dlls/cs.so" gamedll_osx "dlls/cs.dylib" cu gamedll_linux "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod.so" salvati fisierul liblist.gam si iesiti. 4. Intrati in cstrike/addons/metamod/ si deschideti fisierul plugins.ini daca nu exista fisierul il faceti voi, si adaugati linia: linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so salvati fisierul plugins.ini si iesiti. Gata, tutorial extras din: https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Installing_AMX_Mod_X_Manually daca aveti intrebari urmariti si acel tutorial, pentru probleme lasati PM. Reunion Nu am gasit arhiva pe net asa ca am urcat una la noi pe website versiunea este: 0.1.92 o puteti descarca de aici: http://repository.olds.ro/reunion.7z 1. Fisierul reunion.cfg il copiati in folderul cstrike pe serverul de cs ftp, 2. Fisierul reunion_mm_i386.so il copiati in cstrike/addons/metamod/dlls pe serverul de cs ftp, dupa editati fisieul plugins.ini aflat in cstrike/addons/metamod si adaugati linia: linux addons/metamod/dlls/reunion_mm_i386.so Cam asta a fost daca aveti probleme lasati PM. PS. am gasit link official: http://www.dedicated-server.ru/vbb/showthread.php?t=26486 Pornire server Comanda pentru pornirea serverului este: trebuie sa treceti ip-ul vostru in comanda ./hlds_run -game cstrike +ip IP-UL TAU AICI +maxplayers 32 +map de_dust2 -port 27015 Erori des intalnite sau raportate Daca va da eroarea: Auto-restarting the server on crash ./hlds_run: 273: ./hlds_run: ./hlds_linux: not found Rulati urmatoarele comenzi si incercati din nou: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libc6:i386
  2. Daca folositi ubuntu 18.X versiunea desktop si aveti probleme cu vizualizarea filmelor deschideti terminalul si executati aceste comenzi pe rand: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer -y sudo apt install libavcodec-extra -y Pentru orice problema legata de acest tutorial lasati reply!
  3. The Quick access feature in Windows 10 provides a convenient way to access folders that you frequently use by pinning them. In some situations, the pinned shortcuts in Quick access get stuck and unable to remove or unpin. Quick access sometimes lose track of a target folder if it’s moved to another directory, or deleted; with the Pinned item still pointing to the old location. If an item in Quick access is stuck, here are some methods using which you can unpin or remove the problematic item. Option 1: Create a new folder in the old location, and then Unpin it Here is a classic case where Quick access failed to update the Pinned item’s target (and showing “Location is not available” error), after the original folder was moved to a different drive. https://i1.wp.com/www.winhelponline.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/q1-16/w10-quickaccess-1.png You could open File Explorer and remove the pinned item by right-clicking and choosing Unpin from Quick access or use Remove from Quick access (for frequent places that’s added automatically). But what if the options don’t work? Simply create a folder in the same location where the pinned item expects the folder to be. The open File Explorer and unpin or remove the item. Option 2: Reset the Quick Access Recent Items This option applies if a "recent" folder has stuck (not the Pinned folder). Right-click the Quick Access star icon, click Options, and click Clear. https://i1.wp.com/www.winhelponline.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/q1-16/w10-quickaccess-3.png This clears the Recent folders list in Quick Access, without affecting the custom Pinned items. Option 3: Multi-Select Items and Unpin them Click the Quick access button (the blue star) at the top. In the right pane or the folder view, select the Pinned item that’s stuck, press CTRL and select another item that you want to Unpin. See also Fix Cannot Unpin FTP Links From Quick Access In Windows 10? Option 4: Reset or Clear the Quick access Shortcuts There are situations where nothing would work and invalid pinned shortcut in Quick access get stuck and not removable. The Quick access pinned and frequent items data are kept in a file named f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms in the following folder: %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations https://i1.wp.com/www.winhelponline.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/q1-16/w10-quickaccess-2.png Type the above path in File Explorer address bar, and delete this file: f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms Or simply copy the following command and paste in Run dialog (WinKey + R) to delete the file: cmd.exe /c del "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticDestinations-ms" This clears the custom pinned and frequent items listing in Quick access. Windows regenerates this file immediately the next time you open File Explorer, listing the default ones. Note: You don’t need to clear all the *.automaticDestinations-ms files in that folder as some websites suggest.

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