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Found 3 results

  1. Tip: JailBreak v2 Autor: iRay Descriere: Este un addons de JailBreak tradus in Romana Imagini: obligatoriu: - Plugin-uri: gamenamechanger.amxx - Acest plugin schimba numele la server ultimate_ss.amxx- Faci poze jucatorilor SayRestart.amxx - Dai restart din chat admin_llama.amxx - Poti face jucatorii sa nu mai vorbeasca join.amxx - Arata cine se conecteaza admin_freelook.amxx - Adminii vad si T si CT high_ping_kicker.amxx - Da afara jucatorii cu lag amx_mesaje.amxx - Mesaje hud swear_filter.amxx - Cenzureaza cuvinte resetscore.amxx - Resetezi scorul admin_check.amxx - Arata adminii online cfg_slash.amxx - Comenizi de ban/kick/slay din chat private_chat.amxx - Poti intra intr-o convorbire privata last_maps.amxx - Arata hartile anterioare file_remover.amxx - Sterge fisierul custom.hpk care ingreuneaza schimbarea hartii ghostchat.amxx - Vii pot vorbi cu mortii freeztime.amxx - Cu acest plugin nu se vor mai deschide celulele singure jbextreme.amxx - Pluginul JailBreak tradus in Romana jbextreme_extream.amxx - Pluginul JailBreak tradus in Romana JB_weapon.amxx - Acest plugin arata un meniu de arme politistilor Download: Click Aici
  2. Cum sa facem sa avem 100 de FPS (frame-uri pe secunda) ? Exista mai multe modalitati dupa cum urmeaza!: 1.) Un config 2.) Metoda cea mai eficienta dintre toate care ar fi urmatoarea: Dati un clic dreapta pe Desktop Intrati in meniul: Selectati de sus Tab-ul: In dreapta jos veti gasi alt Tab cu numele: Intrati in el si undeva sus dreapta, depinzand de tipul placii video cu CIPSET (neaparat nVidia) o sa vedeti acel Tab unde numele poate diferi dupa numele placii Geforce2 Geforce Fx 6300 sau ce tip de placa video aveti. Este important ca e singurul Tab care are icon si anume un Icon verzui (cel de la nVidia) Bun intram in el! Pe stanga ne va aparea un meniu! Din el selectam ne va aparea la Settings asa: Selectam Antiliasing settings jos va fi o casuta numita Application-Controlled pe care o debifam dupa care selectam de acolo OFF! Aceasi pasi ii vom face si la Vertical sync, Anisotropic filtering, Image settings doar ca la Image Settings vom seta pe Hing Performance !!! Acum dam Apply > Ok > Ok dupa care un restart la PC, intrati in cs si imi spuneti cate FPS-uri aveti eventual mai puneti si acel config si totul o sa fie super ok !
  3. Description This plugin can fake the display of a player's latency (ping) shown on the scoreboard. Unlike the "fakelag" command, it does not affect the player's real latency in any way. You can have all players report the same ping, or only fake it for those having a specific IP/SteamID. This last feature is especially useful when running a dedicated server from your own computer, when you don't want people to guess you're an admin/owner by looking at your low ping. Installation Extract .amxx file to your plugins folder, and add its name to plugins.ini Extract .ini file to your amxmodx/configs folder CVARS pingfake_enable <0/1> - Enable/disable ping faking pingfake_ping <1337> - The ping you want displayed (min: 0 // max: 4095) pingfake_flux <0> - Fake ping fluctuation amount (0 = none) pingfake_target <0/1> - Whether to display fake ping to its target too pingfake_bots <0/1/2> - Affect bots too (set to 2 for bots ONLY setting) pingfake_multiplier <0.0> - Set this to have the fake ping be a multiple of the player's real ping instead of fixed values (0.0 = disabled) pingfake_fileonly <0/1> - Enable this to fake pings ONLY for players listed on the .INI file Commands amx_fakeping <target> <ping> - Toggle fake ping override for player (use -1 to disable) You can also have players automatically get fake pings according to IP/SteamID by editing the "fakepings.ini" file in your configs folder. Changelog Code: - Version: 1.5a (Jun 11, 2014) * Fixed to send a single SVC_PINGS message using the real arguments from HL (this just means the code is now much simpler to understand) - Version: 1.5 (Jun 06, 2011) * Fixed plugin so that it works on all HL mods * Removed CVAR pingfake_flags (not really needed anymore) * Added feature (+CVAR) to have the plugin fake pings ONLY for players listed on the .INI file * Fixed fake pings overriden after DeathMsg/TeamInfo events in CS - Version: 1.4 (Mar 15, 2009) * Added feature (+CVAR) to have the fake ping be a multiple of the player's real ping - Version: 1.3 (Feb 24, 2009) * Added admin command to manually toggle fake ping for players * Added feature to automatically load fake pings from file - Version: 1.2a (Feb 24, 2009) * Fixed is_user_bot flag not being reset on disconnect - Version: 1.2 (Feb 23, 2009) * Added fake ping fluctuation and affect bots settings - Version: 1.1 (Feb 23, 2009) * Managed to send up to 3 pings on a single message, thus reducing bandwidth usage by 26% - Version: 1.0 (Feb 23, 2009) * Public release fakepings.ini (181 Bytes) Get Plugin or Get Source (pingfaker.sma - 13.1 KB)

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