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  1. Acesta este un Detector VPN beta proiectat pentru Counter-Strike: 1.6. Este utilizat pentru a identifica jucătorii care au fost interziși și încearcă să se alăture din nou serverului folosind cheats sau hacks. Deoarece Counter-Strike: 1.6 nu permite accesul la specificațiile PC-ului jucătorilor, cum ar fi HWID-ul, interdicțiile permanente nu pot fi aplicate. Ca urmare, jucătorii pot fi interziși doar pe baza adresei IP sau a ID-ului Steam, ambele putând fi schimbate. Descărcare:
  2. Testele sunt gata, lista cu servere a fost refăcută demo: https://wpgs.pbcv.dev/servers/ Acum dispune de infinite scroll (nu mai există pagini); dând scroll apar alte servere, acestea fiind ordonate în funcție de voturi și apoi după jucătorii online. Update-ul la lista cu servere este realizat la fiecare minut prin intermediul API-ului nostru, care va fi disponibil și pentru cei care vor utiliza acest plugin. Momentan aceasta versiune este doar pentru jocul Counter-Strike 1.6 care este de vanzare, Acesta include: Adaugare Server (Selectare Mod, Adaugarea este instanta), Detectare automata a tarii la adaugare Detectare daca serverul deja exista va redirectioneaza direct pe pagina acestuia Lista Servere (search dupa mapa, hostname, dns, ip plus filtre de mod si tara), Scroll infinit Filtru tara avansat Pagina Server (detalii despre server, playeri online scor si timp), Voturi (orice vizitator poate vota serverul la fiecare ora per IP) Custom banner Claim server Pagina cu kit-uri de Counter-Strike 1.6 de unde utilizatorii pot descarca cs-urile facute de voi, Adaugarea unui kit se face in 5 secunde fiind la fel ca un reply pe orice forum, adaugati doar un link de download si e gata. Multiple Website Post (daca aveti mai multe website-uri si vreti sa postati pe toate un kit in acelasi timp o puteti seta foarte usor asta) SEO Serverele cat si kit-urile de Counter-Strike 1.6 sunt indexate automat pe google, bing, yandex, yahoo, duckduckgo si altele. Costuri Plugin: 100 euro (onetime, crypto only) Update-uri: 10 euro (per versiune, o versiune contine un pachet cu mai multe modificari ale codului iar daca nu doriti versiunea noua o puteti folosii pe cea veche fara nici o problema) API: FREE - 0 euro (limita 1k servere) PREMIUM - 10 euro lunar (fara limita)
  3. Daemon

    Beta V1.1

    Au fost facute optimizari de performanta, vreau sa precizez ca serverele care au blocat sau limitat query-ul prin diferite metode acestea nu o sa functioneze. A fost creat si un demo pentru cei care nu intelegeau cum trebuie folosit /get pe care il puteti gasii tot pe pagina tabul #1 Games API (pbcv.dev) Au mai fost adaugate doua variabile care indica modul jocului cat si data cand a fost sincronizat ultimul update, exemplu: "updated": "09/03/2024, 19:33", "gameset": "counterstrike16" PS. Pentru aflarea numelui complet al jocului in functie de gameset este simplu folositi gapi.pbcv.dev/games aici este lista completa.
  4. Prima versiune a fost terminata si vor urma niste teste apoi daca trece cu success de acestea va fi dezvoltat mai departe acest plugin, nu ezitati sa lasati un feedback. Acest plugin se va folosii de Games API - OldStyle Gaming Community deci nu trebuie foarte multa mentenanta la el sau resurse pentru a putea fi folosit.
  5. Mai jos este o lista cu toate jocurile aceasta poate fi gasita si pe site-ul pentru API. [ { "id": "a2oa", "name": "ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead" }, { "id": "aaa", "name": "ARMA: Armed Assault" }, { "id": "aapg", "name": "America's Army: Proving Grounds" }, { "id": "actionsource", "name": "Action: Source" }, { "id": "acwa", "name": "ARMA: Cold War Assault" }, { "id": "ahl", "name": "Action Half-Life" }, { "id": "alienarena", "name": "Alien Arena" }, { "id": "alienswarm", "name": "Alien Swarm" }, { "id": "americasarmy", "name": "America's Army" }, { "id": "americasarmy2", "name": "America's Army 2" }, { "id": "americasarmy3", "name": "America's Army 3" }, { "id": "aoc", "name": "Age of Chivalry" }, { "id": "aoe2", "name": "Age of Empires 2" }, { "id": "aosc", "name": "Ace of Spades Classic" }, { "id": "arma2", "name": "ARMA 2" }, { "id": "arma3", "name": "ARMA 3" }, { "id": "armagetronadvanced", "name": "Armagetron Advanced" }, { "id": "armareforger", "name": "ARMA: Reforger" }, { "id": "armaresistance", "name": "ARMA: Resistance" }, { "id": "asa", "name": "Ark: Survival Ascended" }, { "id": "ase", "name": "Ark: Survival Evolved" }, { "id": "asr08", "name": "Arca Sim Racing '08" }, { "id": "assettocorsa", "name": "Assetto Corsa" }, { "id": "atlas", "name": "Atlas" }, { "id": "avorion", "name": "Avorion" }, { "id": "avp2", "name": "Aliens versus Predator 2" }, { "id": "avp2010", "name": "Aliens vs. Predator 2010" }, { "id": "baldursgate", "name": "Baldur's Gate" }, { "id": "ballisticoverkill", "name": "Ballistic Overkill" }, { "id": "barotrauma", "name": "Barotrauma" }, { "id": "bas", "name": "Build and Shoot" }, { "id": "basedefense", "name": "Base Defense" }, { "id": "battalion1944", "name": "Battalion 1944" }, { "id": "battlefield1942", "name": "Battlefield 1942" }, { "id": "battlefield2", "name": "Battlefield 2" }, { "id": "battlefield2142", "name": "Battlefield 2142" }, { "id": "battlefield3", "name": "Battlefield 3" }, { "id": "battlefield4", "name": "Battlefield 4" }, { "id": "battlefieldhardline", "name": "Battlefield Hardline" }, { "id": "battlefieldvietnam", "name": "Battlefield Vietnam" }, { "id": "bbc2", "name": "Battlefield: Bad Company 2" }, { "id": "beammp", "name": "BeamMP (2021)" }, { "id": "blackmesa", "name": "Black Mesa" }, { "id": "bladesymphony", "name": "Blade Symphony" }, { "id": "brainbread", "name": "BrainBread" }, { "id": "brainbread2", "name": "BrainBread 2" }, { "id": "breach", "name": "Breach" }, { "id": "breed", "name": "Breed" }, { "id": "brink", "name": "Brink" }, { "id": "c3db", "name": "Commandos 3: Destination Berlin" }, { "id": "cacr", "name": "Command and Conquer: Renegade" }, { "id": "chaser", "name": "Chaser" }, { "id": "chrome", "name": "Chrome" }, { "id": "cmw", "name": "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare" }, { "id": "cod", "name": "Call of Duty" }, { "id": "cod2", "name": "Call of Duty 2" }, { "id": "cod3", "name": "Call of Duty 3" }, { "id": "cod4mw", "name": "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" }, { "id": "codbo3", "name": "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" }, { "id": "codenamecure", "name": "Codename CURE" }, { "id": "codenameeagle", "name": "Codename Eagle" }, { "id": "codmw2", "name": "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" }, { "id": "codmw3", "name": "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" }, { "id": "coduo", "name": "Call of Duty: United Offensive" }, { "id": "codwaw", "name": "Call of Duty: World at War" }, { "id": "coj", "name": "Call of Juarez" }, { "id": "colonysurvival", "name": "Colony Survival" }, { "id": "conanexiles", "name": "Conan Exiles" }, { "id": "contagion", "name": "Contagion" }, { "id": "contractjack", "name": "Contract J.A.C.K." }, { "id": "corekeeper", "name": "Core Keeper" }, { "id": "counterstrike15", "name": "Counter-Strike 1.5" }, { "id": "counterstrike16", "name": "Counter-Strike 1.6" }, { "id": "counterstrike2", "name": "Counter-Strike 2" }, { "id": "crce", "name": "Cross Racing Championship Extreme" }, { "id": "creativerse", "name": "Creativerse" }, { "id": "crysis", "name": "Crysis" }, { "id": "crysis2", "name": "Crysis 2" }, { "id": "crysiswars", "name": "Crysis Wars" }, { "id": "cs2d", "name": "CS2D" }, { "id": "cscz", "name": "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero" }, { "id": "csgo", "name": "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" }, { "id": "css", "name": "Counter-Strike: Source" }, { "id": "dab", "name": "Double Action: Boogaloo" }, { "id": "daikatana", "name": "Daikatana" }, { "id": "dal", "name": "Dark and Light" }, { "id": "dayofdragons", "name": "Day of Dragons" }, { "id": "dayz", "name": "DayZ" }, { "id": "dayzmod", "name": "DayZ Mod" }, { "id": "ddd", "name": "Dino D-Day" }, { "id": "ddpt", "name": "Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater" }, { "id": "deathmatchclassic", "name": "Deathmatch Classic" }, { "id": "deerhunter2005", "name": "Deer Hunter 2005" }, { "id": "descent3", "name": "Descent 3" }, { "id": "deusex", "name": "Deus Ex" }, { "id": "devastation", "name": "Devastation" }, { "id": "dhe4445", "name": "Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45" }, { "id": "discord", "name": "Discord" }, { "id": "dmomam", "name": "Dark Messiah of Might and Magic" }, { "id": "dod", "name": "Day of Defeat" }, { "id": "dnf2001", "name": "Duke Nukem Forever 2001" }, { "id": "dods", "name": "Day of Defeat: Source" }, { "id": "doi", "name": "Day of Infamy" }, { "id": "doom3", "name": "Doom 3" }, { "id": "dootf", "name": "Drakan: Order of the Flame" }, { "id": "dota2", "name": "Dota 2" }, { "id": "dow", "name": "Days of War" }, { "id": "dst", "name": "Don't Starve Together" }, { "id": "dtr2", "name": "Dirt Track Racing 2" }, { "id": "dystopia", "name": "Dystopia" }, { "id": "eco", "name": "Eco" }, { "id": "egs", "name": "Empyrion - Galactic Survival" }, { "id": "eldewrito", "name": "Halo Online (ElDewrito)" }, { "id": "empiresmod", "name": "Empires Mod" }, { "id": "enshrouded", "name": "Enshrouded" }, { "id": "etqw", "name": "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars" }, { "id": "ets2", "name": "Euro Truck Simulator 2" }, { "id": "f1c9902", "name": "F1 Challenge '99-'02" }, { "id": "factorio", "name": "Factorio" }, { "id": "farcry", "name": "Far Cry" }, { "id": "farcry2", "name": "Far Cry 2" }, { "id": "farmingsimulator19", "name": "Farming Simulator 19" }, { "id": "farmingsimulator22", "name": "Farming Simulator 22" }, { "id": "fear", "name": "F.E.A.R." }, { "id": "ffow", "name": "Frontlines: Fuel of War" }, { "id": "fof", "name": "Fistful of Frags" }, { "id": "formulaone2002", "name": "Formula One 2002" }, { "id": "fortressforever", "name": "Fortress Forever" }, { "id": "garrysmod", "name": "Garry's Mod" }, { "id": "gck", "name": "Giants: Citizen Kabuto" }, { "id": "geneshift", "name": "Geneshift" }, { "id": "globaloperations", "name": "Global Operations" }, { "id": "goldeneyesource", "name": "GoldenEye: Source" }, { "id": "groundbreach", "name": "Ground Breach" }, { "id": "gta5f", "name": "Grand Theft Auto V - FiveM" }, { "id": "gtasam", "name": "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Multiplayer" }, { "id": "gtasamta", "name": "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Multi Theft Auto" }, { "id": "gtasao", "name": "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas OpenMP" }, { "id": "gtavcmta", "name": "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Multi Theft Auto" }, { "id": "gunmanchronicles", "name": "Gunman Chronicles" }, { "id": "gus", "name": "Gore: Ultimate Soldier" }, { "id": "halo", "name": "Halo" }, { "id": "halo2", "name": "Halo 2" }, { "id": "heretic2", "name": "Heretic II" }, { "id": "hexen2", "name": "Hexen II" }, { "id": "hiddendangerous2", "name": "Hidden & Dangerous 2" }, { "id": "hl2d", "name": "Half-Life 2: Deathmatch" }, { "id": "hld", "name": "Half-Life Deathmatch" }, { "id": "hlds", "name": "Half-Life Deathmatch: Source" }, { "id": "hll", "name": "Hell Let Loose" }, { "id": "hlof", "name": "Half-Life: Opposing Force" }, { "id": "homefront", "name": "Homefront" }, { "id": "homeworld2", "name": "Homeworld 2" }, { "id": "hurtworld", "name": "Hurtworld" }, { "id": "i2cs", "name": "IGI 2: Covert Strike" }, { "id": "il2sturmovik", "name": "IL-2 Sturmovik" }, { "id": "imic", "name": "Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat" }, { "id": "insurgency", "name": "Insurgency" }, { "id": "insurgencysandstorm", "name": "Insurgency: Sandstorm" }, { "id": "ironstorm", "name": "Iron Storm" }, { "id": "jb007n", "name": "James Bond 007: Nightfire" }, { "id": "jc2m", "name": "Just Cause 2 - Multiplayer" }, { "id": "jc3m", "name": "Just Cause 3 - Multiplayer" }, { "id": "killingfloor", "name": "Killing Floor" }, { "id": "killingfloor2", "name": "Killing Floor 2" }, { "id": "kloc", "name": "Kingpin: Life of Crime" }, { "id": "kpctnc", "name": "Kiss: Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child" }, { "id": "kreedzclimbing", "name": "Kreedz Climbing" }, { "id": "kspd", "name": "Kerbal Space Program - DMP" }, { "id": "l4d", "name": "Left 4 Dead" }, { "id": "l4d2", "name": "Left 4 Dead 2" }, { "id": "m2m", "name": "Mafia II - Multiplayer" }, { "id": "m2o", "name": "Mafia II - Online" }, { "id": "mbe", "name": "Minecraft: Bedrock Edition" }, { "id": "medievalengineers", "name": "Medieval Engineers" }, { "id": "mgm", "name": "Mumble - GT Murmur" }, { "id": "minecraft", "name": "Minecraft" }, { "id": "mnc", "name": "Monday Night Combat" }, { "id": "moh", "name": "Medal of Honor" }, { "id": "moha", "name": "Medal of Honor: Airborne" }, { "id": "mohaa", "name": "Medal of Honor: Allied Assault" }, { "id": "mohaab", "name": "Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough" }, { "id": "mohaas", "name": "Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead" }, { "id": "mohpa", "name": "Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault" }, { "id": "mohw", "name": "Medal of Honor: Warfighter" }, { "id": "mordhau", "name": "Mordhau" }, { "id": "mumble", "name": "Mumble" }, { "id": "mutantfactions", "name": "Mutant Factions" }, { "id": "nab", "name": "Nerf Arena Blast" }, { "id": "nascarthunder2004", "name": "NASCAR Thunder 2004" }, { "id": "naturalselection", "name": "Natural Selection" }, { "id": "naturalselection2", "name": "Natural Selection 2" }, { "id": "netpanzer", "name": "netPanzer" }, { "id": "neverwinternights", "name": "Neverwinter Nights" }, { "id": "neverwinternights2", "name": "Neverwinter Nights 2" }, { "id": "nexuiz", "name": "Nexuiz" }, { "id": "nfshp2", "name": "Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2" }, { "id": "nitrofamily", "name": "Nitro Family" }, { "id": "nmrih", "name": "No More Room in Hell" }, { "id": "nolf2asihw", "name": "No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way" }, { "id": "nucleardawn", "name": "Nuclear Dawn" }, { "id": "ofcwc", "name": "Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis" }, { "id": "ofr", "name": "Operation Flashpoint: Resistance" }, { "id": "ohd", "name": "Operation: Harsh Doorstop" }, { "id": "onset", "name": "Onset" }, { "id": "openarena", "name": "OpenArena" }, { "id": "openttd", "name": "OpenTTD" }, { "id": "painkiller", "name": "Painkiller" }, { "id": "palworld", "name": "Palworld" }, { "id": "pce", "name": "Primal Carnage: Extinction" }, { "id": "pixark", "name": "PixARK" }, { "id": "postal2", "name": "Postal 2" }, { "id": "postscriptum", "name": "Post Scriptum" }, { "id": "prb2", "name": "Project Reality: Battlefield 2" }, { "id": "prey", "name": "Prey" }, { "id": "projectcars", "name": "Project Cars" }, { "id": "projectcars2", "name": "Project Cars 2" }, { "id": "projectzomboid", "name": "Project Zomboid" }, { "id": "pvak2", "name": "Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II" }, { "id": "q3a", "name": "Quake 3: Arena" }, { "id": "quake", "name": "Quake" }, { "id": "quake2", "name": "Quake 2" }, { "id": "quake4", "name": "Quake 4" }, { "id": "quakelive", "name": "Quake Live" }, { "id": "rainbowsix", "name": "Rainbow Six" }, { "id": "rallisportchallenge", "name": "RalliSport Challenge" }, { "id": "rallymasters", "name": "Rally Masters" }, { "id": "rdkf", "name": "Rag Doll Kung Fu" }, { "id": "rdr2r", "name": "Red Dead Redemption 2 - RedM" }, { "id": "redline", "name": "Redline" }, { "id": "redorchestra", "name": "Red Orchestra" }, { "id": "redorchestra2", "name": "Red Orchestra 2" }, { "id": "rfactor", "name": "rFactor" }, { "id": "ricochet", "name": "Ricochet" }, { "id": "risingworld", "name": "Rising World" }, { "id": "ron", "name": "Rise of Nations" }, { "id": "roo4145", "name": "Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45" }, { "id": "ror2", "name": "Risk of Rain 2" }, { "id": "rs2rs", "name": "Rainbow Six 2: Rogue Spear" }, { "id": "rs2v", "name": "Rising Storm 2: Vietnam" }, { "id": "rs3rs", "name": "Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield" }, { "id": "rtcw", "name": "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" }, { "id": "rune", "name": "Rune" }, { "id": "rust", "name": "Rust" }, { "id": "s2ats", "name": "Savage 2: A Tortured Soul" }, { "id": "sdtd", "name": "7 Days to Die" }, { "id": "serioussam", "name": "Serious Sam" }, { "id": "serioussam2", "name": "Serious Sam 2" }, { "id": "shatteredhorizon", "name": "Shattered Horizon" }, { "id": "shogo", "name": "Shogo" }, { "id": "shootmania", "name": "Shootmania" }, { "id": "sin", "name": "SiN" }, { "id": "sinepisodes", "name": "SiN Episodes" }, { "id": "sof", "name": "Soldier of Fortune" }, { "id": "sof2", "name": "Soldier of Fortune 2" }, { "id": "soldat", "name": "Soldat" }, { "id": "sotf", "name": "Sons Of The Forest" }, { "id": "spaceengineers", "name": "Space Engineers" }, { "id": "squad", "name": "Squad" }, { "id": "stalker", "name": "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." }, { "id": "starbound", "name": "Starbound" }, { "id": "starmade", "name": "StarMade" }, { "id": "starsiege", "name": "Starsiege" }, { "id": "stbc", "name": "Star Trek: Bridge Commander" }, { "id": "stn", "name": "Survive the Nights" }, { "id": "stvef", "name": "Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force" }, { "id": "stvef2", "name": "Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force 2" }, { "id": "suicidesurvival", "name": "Suicide Survival" }, { "id": "svencoop", "name": "Sven Coop" }, { "id": "swat4", "name": "SWAT 4" }, { "id": "swb", "name": "Star Wars: Battlefront" }, { "id": "swb2", "name": "Star Wars: Battlefront 2" }, { "id": "swjk2jo", "name": "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast" }, { "id": "swjkja", "name": "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" }, { "id": "swrc", "name": "Star Wars: Republic Commando" }, { "id": "synergy", "name": "Synergy" }, { "id": "t1s", "name": "Tribes 1: Starsiege" }, { "id": "tacticalops", "name": "Tactical Ops" }, { "id": "tcgraw", "name": "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter" }, { "id": "tcgraw2", "name": "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2" }, { "id": "teamfactor", "name": "Team Factor" }, { "id": "teamfortress2", "name": "Team Fortress 2" }, { "id": "teamspeak2", "name": "Teamspeak 2" }, { "id": "teamspeak3", "name": "Teamspeak 3" }, { "id": "terminus", "name": "Terminus" }, { "id": "terrariatshock", "name": "Terraria - TShock" }, { "id": "tfc", "name": "Team Fortress Classic" }, { "id": "theforest", "name": "The Forest" }, { "id": "theforrest", "name": "The Forrest" }, { "id": "thefront", "name": "The Front" }, { "id": "thehidden", "name": "The Hidden" }, { "id": "theisle", "name": "The Isle" }, { "id": "tie", "name": "The Isle Evrima" }, { "id": "theship", "name": "The Ship" }, { "id": "thespecialists", "name": "The Specialists" }, { "id": "thps3", "name": "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3" }, { "id": "thps4", "name": "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4" }, { "id": "thu2", "name": "Tony Hawk's Underground 2" }, { "id": "toh", "name": "Take On Helicopters" }, { "id": "tonolf", "name": "The Operative: No One Lives Forever" }, { "id": "towerunite", "name": "Tower Unite" }, { "id": "trackmania2", "name": "Trackmania 2" }, { "id": "trackmaniaforever", "name": "Trackmania Forever" }, { "id": "tremulous", "name": "Tremulous" }, { "id": "tribesvengeance", "name": "Tribes: Vengeance" }, { "id": "tron20", "name": "Tron 2.0" }, { "id": "turok2", "name": "Turok 2" }, { "id": "u2tax", "name": "Unreal 2: The Awakening - XMP" }, { "id": "universalcombat", "name": "Universal Combat" }, { "id": "unreal", "name": "Unreal" }, { "id": "unrealtournament", "name": "Unreal Tournament" }, { "id": "unrealtournament2003", "name": "Unreal Tournament 2003" }, { "id": "unrealtournament2004", "name": "Unreal Tournament 2004" }, { "id": "unrealtournament3", "name": "Unreal Tournament 3" }, { "id": "unturned", "name": "unturned" }, { "id": "urbanterror", "name": "Urban Terror" }, { "id": "v8sc", "name": "V8 Supercar Challenge" }, { "id": "valheim", "name": "Valheim" }, { "id": "vampireslayer", "name": "Vampire Slayer" }, { "id": "vcm", "name": "Vice City Multiplayer" }, { "id": "ventrilo", "name": "Ventrilo" }, { "id": "vietcong", "name": "Vietcong" }, { "id": "vietcong2", "name": "Vietcong 2" }, { "id": "vrising", "name": "V Rising" }, { "id": "warfork", "name": "Warfork" }, { "id": "warsow", "name": "Warsow" }, { "id": "wet", "name": "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" }, { "id": "wolfenstein", "name": "Wolfenstein" }, { "id": "wot", "name": "Wheel of Time" }, { "id": "wurmunlimited", "name": "Wurm Unlimited" }, { "id": "xonotic", "name": "Xonotic" }, { "id": "xpandrally", "name": "Xpand Rally" }, { "id": "zombiemaster", "name": "Zombie Master" }, { "id": "zps", "name": "Zombie Panic: Source" } ]
  6. Model 1. IP: 2. LISTA OWNERI: 3. CONTACT: Detalii 1. Adresa IPv4 a server-ului: *Adresă IP* Se acceptă doar porturi implicite pentru fiecare joc în parte. De exemplu, pentru Counter-Strike 1.6: 27015, pentru Minecraft: 25565, etc. 2. Nume sau link exact cu profilul de pe forum: *Nume de utilizator pe forum* sau *Link către profilul de pe forum* 3. Server sau nume Discord - nu acceptăm alte metode de contact Cerințe: Serverul va fi supus unei verificări, iar dacă trece cu succes această verificare, atunci va fi 'acceptat' în comunitatea noastră, toate acestea se vor discuta pe discord.
  7. Topicul o sa ramana deschis si pentru alte pareri. Recomand adminilor sa nu mai foloseasca WarGods din mai multe motive, protectia nu are treaba cu realitatea si detectia de hack-uri noi aceasta verifica strict lista cu procese si fisierele din folder-ul cs-ului daca acesta este detectat ca si proces ruland cu numele hl.exe (daca nu pauza nu mai stie ce sa faca). Cat despre verificarea fisierelor aceasta Protectie/Shield calculeaza md5 pe anumite fisiere iar apoi le compara semnatura acetora cu unele din baza de date WarGods care sunt deja trecute ca si SAFE, pentru cei care nu stiu ce insteamna MD5 - Wikipedia. Pana si pe site-ul official este specificat ca multe din fisiere nici nu exista deja in baza lor de date, deci folosirea ei este inutila. * NOTE (2): Files marked as "Unknown" means that we don't know any details about these (unknown if they are clean or cheats)! We CAN'T validate/whitelist all the files of this planet. Nu mai zic ca in mare parte aplicatia exe wargods este blocata si de firewall si de antivirus folosind aceasta aplicatie ambele trebuie dezactivare si nu recomand asta nimanui.
  8. Inregistrarile au fost pornite, acum va puteti face cont.
  9. Un sfat, dupa ce ii expira unui client serviciul de Counter-Strike 1.6 (valabil si pentru alte jocuri de genu) nu mai inchideti serverele. Aceste servere au fost adaugate pe site-uri gen gametracker sau alte site-uri de boost odata inchise aceste servere vor fi sterse de pe aceste site-uri asa pierdeti din vizibilitate / playeri. Le puteti lasa online (cat consuma 25/50 mb ram? hai...) cu un nume de genu "Hosted by Nume Firma" + puteti pune parola sa nu se poata intra pe ele (nu recomand o sa fie scoase din listele de boost) si o sa profitati mai mult asa pentru ca serverele o sa ramana in listele de MasterServer si Site-uri de gametracker permanent. Daca chiar nu vreti sa tineti aceste servere online faceti proxy (aveti firme de host stiti cum se face), si tineti doar unul online. Simplu nu? Bafta.
  10. Daca vrei sa adaugi plugin-uri sau addons-uri pe serverul tau trebuie sa faci urmatoarele: mkdir ~/amxmodx && cd ~/amxmodx Descarca cele doua arhive base si cstrike: wget https://www.amxmodx.org/amxxdrop/1.9/amxmodx-1.9.0-git5293-base-linux.tar.gz ; wget https://www.amxmodx.org/amxxdrop/1.9/amxmodx-1.9.0-git5293-cstrike-linux.tar.gz ; tar -xvf amxmodx-1.9.0-git5293-base-linux.tar.gz && tar -xvf amxmodx-1.9.0-git5293-cstrike-linux.tar.gz ; Copiaza fiserele in locatia cu serverul tau: mv addons ~/Steam/cs_server/cstrike
  11. Va anunt aici ca lucrez la mai multe versiuni de servere gata facute clean, ce inseamna? Vor exista diferite versiuni de servere (build-uri) pe care le-am gasit pe un hard mai vechi, inclusiv ultima versiune de pe steam cu dproto si versiunea rehlds. Daca sunt persoane care vor sa contribuie vor primi access la repository pe github cand acesta este gata: oldstyle-community (github.com) Aceste arhive vor fi postate pe portalul de download posibil in shop unde va trebuie 100 / 1.000 de points pentru a descarca o versiune.
  12. View File Remove spectator UI With this little modification, you can completely or partially remove your spectator UI. Trust me, this one actually works, even with the latest game build (from 2017). I've made 3 versions for 3 different scenarios. One of them removes the UI completely, the other one keeps the name of the player you're following, and the final one only removes the black bars and allows you to customize their size and color (including transparency). Everything is explained inside the file. Installation: Open the downloaded file. Copy Spectator.res into cstrike\resource\UI folder. Extras: You can add a shadow to all text, just add this, into your clientscheme.res right here. If you're using my GUI, do this instead: Open your clientscheme.res Search for specPlayer (using Ctrl + F) Add a "dropshadow" "1" to each specPlayer font (like this) [hide]Author: useless__ Source: Remove spectator UI (for real) [Counter-Strike 1.6] [Mods] (gamebanana.com)[/hide] Submitter Daemon Submitted 01/27/2023 Category GUIs  
  13. 0 downloads

    With this little modification, you can completely or partially remove your spectator UI. Trust me, this one actually works, even with the latest game build (from 2017). I've made 3 versions for 3 different scenarios. One of them removes the UI completely, the other one keeps the name of the player you're following, and the final one only removes the black bars and allows you to customize their size and color (including transparency). Everything is explained inside the file. Installation: Open the downloaded file. Copy Spectator.res into cstrike\resource\UI folder. Extras: You can add a shadow to all text, just add this, into your clientscheme.res right here. If you're using my GUI, do this instead: Open your clientscheme.res Search for specPlayer (using Ctrl + F) Add a "dropshadow" "1" to each specPlayer font (like this) [hide]Author: useless__ Source: Remove spectator UI (for real) [Counter-Strike 1.6] [Mods] (gamebanana.com)[/hide]
  14. Daemon



    Dust II "Dust II", also known by its filename de_dust2, is a video game map featured in the first-person shooter series Counter-Strike . Dust II is the successor to "Dust", another Counter-Strike map, and was developed by David Johnston prior to the official release of the original Counter-Strike game. It was designed with the aims of simplicity and balance, based on its symmetrical design and two points, over which the two teams must fight for control. The map was first released in March 2001 for the original Counter-Strike game and is present in all games in the series.[1] Apart from graphical updates, it underwent minimal changes after its initial release, before receiving a significant visual revision in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in October 2017.[2] The map has been popular with players since its initial release, and both its original and revised design in Global Offensive have been positively received by players and mapmakers.[3] Design Dust II minimap Dust II is a video game map featured in the first-person shooter series Counter-Strike. The map is set in a dusty environment based on Morocco according to Jess Cliffe, co-designer of the original Counter-Strike game. Like the other maps in the game, players are divided into two teams: Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists. The Terrorists have a limited time in which to plant and detonate a bomb; the Counter-Terrorists try to stop them from planting the bomb or to defuse it if it has already been planted. The Terrorist side must gain control in one of two locations to plant the bomb; these sites are easily accessible to the Counter-Terrorists at the beginning of the round. The map has a few main choke points: "Middle", "Long A", and "B Tunnels". Of its layout, the map's creator David Johnston wrote: "...Dust was little more than a figure-of-eight that had grown a pair of arms and legs, centralizing the battles but providing tactical wiggle room."[4] The main choke points contain tactically important positions and areas. Middle has three main areas: Catwalk, an elevated pathway that leads to Short on A site; Lower Tunnels, a tunnel leading from Middle to Upper Tunnels; and Middle Doors, that has a set of open double doors at Middle, which leads to the Counter-Terrorist's spawn. At Long A, there are another three important areas before approaching the A Site. Long Doors are the two sets of open double doors that lead from the Terrorist's spawn to Long A; Pit is a sloped area where players can hide or use for cover near Long Doors; and Counter-Terrorist spawn, located right of Long A from A Site, is where the Counter-Terrorists spawn. B Tunnels has two main areas; Upper Tunnels and Lower Tunnels. Upper Tunnels leads to the B site or Terrorist spawn; Lower Tunnels leads to Upper Tunnels or Middle.[5][6] Johnston stated in a blog post that, in making Dust II, he "had to ensure that this new map had everything in common with Dust, without actually being Dust". He began identifying what made Dust unique and Johnston kept the simple structures, ramps, crates, and "Dust doors"; these were elements he knew had to stay. Though, he wanted to add other elements, an area with close combat and an area with long-range fights, which turned into B Tunnels and Long A. Compared to Dust, he was patient in using the "trim" feature, an element that separated certain objects; he said he, "tried to use the trim very carefully, only exactly when needed, and not just as filler". He set certain rules for himself with trimming so that he did not overuse or under-use it; overusing would make the map too complex and under-using would make it too flat. Another thing different from Dust is that Dust II did not undergo any other major layout changes.[7] History Dust II was developed by David Johnston for the first game in the series as a conceptual sequel to the existing Dust map. Chris "MacMan" Ashton helped provide textures for the map. Johnston originally titled it "Dust 3" because he did not think it was a worthy successor to Dust; before the game's launch it was retitled Dust II. The map was designed to be simple and balanced.[7] During the initial development of the map, "Long A", a long pathway that leads towards the "A Site", was not present. It existed in the map because of space limitations of the engine.[8] During development, map features such as caverns that would have provided cover, a window in "B Site", and a longer ramp in the Counter-Terrorist's Spawn to A Site were removed.[3] After its initial release on March 13, 2001, as part of Counter-Strike 1.1,[1] the map received minimal changes following updates to the rest of the game, but received small graphical updates and lighting changes. It also received graphical updates in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Counter-Strike's Xbox release.[7] Counter-Strike: Source Counter-Strike: Source was allowed to use Valve's new Source game engine and changed some of the physics. Dust II received a graphical update and new objects that would affect gameplay were added. New doors were added and a crate at "Middle" was made easier to climb. A raised ceiling made firing down from T spawn onto Mid Doors easier.[9] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive featured more graphical updates and changed all of the doors from wooden doors to metal doors, making them much more difficult to penetrate.[9] In an update on February 3, 2017, Dust II was removed from the Active Duty Competitive Pool, a group of whitelisted maps for professional games, in the competitive game mode. It was instead replaced by "Inferno" and, at the same time, given its own exclusive map group in the Casual and Deathmatch game modes.[10][4] In October 2017, Valve released a beta remake of the map, which improved upon player readability, visuals, and movement.[11][12][13] A week later, the updated version was made public.[14] In April 2018, the map was put back in the Active Duty Competitive Pool, replacing "Cobblestone".[15] In November 2022, Valve removed Dust II from the Active Duty Competitive Pool in favor of "Anubis".[16] Reception Dust II has been in every Counter-Strike game to date and, as of the 2017 updates, continues to receive positive reception from mapmakers and players. Shawn "FMPONE" Snelling, a Counter-Strike mapmaker, said: "Valve has given the map a very cohesive and 'tactile' look, making it easier to get a read on your surroundings".[17] Mitch Bowman of PC Gamer praised the 2017 update, stating: "It's a healthy overhaul that makes some modest but interesting changes without reinventing the wheel."[2] Professional Counter-Strike players have mixed opinions; some players enjoyed the update and its changes, while some were disapproving. Jake "Stewie2K" Yip criticized the addition of a car to the map, saying, "you can hide behind it well, and I just think it's kind of overpowered".[18] Impact and legacy An imitation of Dust II in Far Cry 5's "Far Cry Arcade" Dust II has existed since 2001 and has been subject to imitation, spin offs, and disapproval from the gaming community. In February 2017, the map was removed from the Active Duty Competitive Pool in Global Offensive, a group of maps played in professional competitions. The map was removed in favor of a revamped version of a map titled Inferno.[10] There was an immediate backlash to this change from professional players and community members; according to Peter "ptr" Gurney, Valve "[took] out a map that's balanced and put a map in that literally has at least 4-5 problems I can think of right away".[19] Fabien "kioShiMa" Fiey, another professional Counter-Strike player, said, "Why is everyone so surprised. Looks logical that [Dust II] is removed, the only one that has not been redone??", referring to the earlier reworking and refinement of other Global Offensive maps before this change.[19] There have been several imitations and recreations of Dust II. In early 2014, it was reported that the map had been recreated in real life, though the location of its recreation is not known.[20] Dust II has also been found in other games because of the work of modders. In 2018, Luke Millanta published a re-textured version of Dust II in which the maps original textures had been replaced by cyberpunk-themed materials.[21][22] The map has seen imitations in games such as Far Cry 3, Far Cry 5, Crossfire, Minecraft, and Cube 2: Sauerbraten.[7][23][24] The game Dustnet explores the theme of the fragility of multiplayer experiences and player bases, and is set on the far future, entirely inside "the last copy of de_dust2 in the world".[25] It includes a hidden homage to David Johnston, the original creator of Dust II, as well as numerous references to Counter-Strike and Quake.[25] Source: Dust II - Wikipedia
  15. Here is the category: Skins For those who want to post / upload an Counter-Strike 1.6 Skin you need to follow those steps. Fine Name needs to be the skins pack or skin name , example: dragon knife, vip deagle ... Tags here you need to include the map name and extra tags like: skin, gold, vip, zip, new, hd, ecc. About This File an little description, who is the author or any information about the skin... After you send the upload our staff will check the files on VirusTotal and then on an server to verify if is working, If the skin is working you will receive the points, If the skin has an virus or is not woring you will receive an warn.
  16. Daemon


    View File de_dust2 Dust II "Dust II", also known by its filename de_dust2, is a video game map featured in the first-person shooter series Counter-Strike . Dust II is the successor to "Dust", another Counter-Strike map, and was developed by David Johnston prior to the official release of the original Counter-Strike game. It was designed with the aims of simplicity and balance, based on its symmetrical design and two points, over which the two teams must fight for control. The map was first released in March 2001 for the original Counter-Strike game and is present in all games in the series.[1] Apart from graphical updates, it underwent minimal changes after its initial release, before receiving a significant visual revision in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in October 2017.[2] The map has been popular with players since its initial release, and both its original and revised design in Global Offensive have been positively received by players and mapmakers.[3] Design Dust II minimap Dust II is a video game map featured in the first-person shooter series Counter-Strike. The map is set in a dusty environment based on Morocco according to Jess Cliffe, co-designer of the original Counter-Strike game. Like the other maps in the game, players are divided into two teams: Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists. The Terrorists have a limited time in which to plant and detonate a bomb; the Counter-Terrorists try to stop them from planting the bomb or to defuse it if it has already been planted. The Terrorist side must gain control in one of two locations to plant the bomb; these sites are easily accessible to the Counter-Terrorists at the beginning of the round. The map has a few main choke points: "Middle", "Long A", and "B Tunnels". Of its layout, the map's creator David Johnston wrote: "...Dust was little more than a figure-of-eight that had grown a pair of arms and legs, centralizing the battles but providing tactical wiggle room."[4] The main choke points contain tactically important positions and areas. Middle has three main areas: Catwalk, an elevated pathway that leads to Short on A site; Lower Tunnels, a tunnel leading from Middle to Upper Tunnels; and Middle Doors, that has a set of open double doors at Middle, which leads to the Counter-Terrorist's spawn. At Long A, there are another three important areas before approaching the A Site. Long Doors are the two sets of open double doors that lead from the Terrorist's spawn to Long A; Pit is a sloped area where players can hide or use for cover near Long Doors; and Counter-Terrorist spawn, located right of Long A from A Site, is where the Counter-Terrorists spawn. B Tunnels has two main areas; Upper Tunnels and Lower Tunnels. Upper Tunnels leads to the B site or Terrorist spawn; Lower Tunnels leads to Upper Tunnels or Middle.[5][6] Johnston stated in a blog post that, in making Dust II, he "had to ensure that this new map had everything in common with Dust, without actually being Dust". He began identifying what made Dust unique and Johnston kept the simple structures, ramps, crates, and "Dust doors"; these were elements he knew had to stay. Though, he wanted to add other elements, an area with close combat and an area with long-range fights, which turned into B Tunnels and Long A. Compared to Dust, he was patient in using the "trim" feature, an element that separated certain objects; he said he, "tried to use the trim very carefully, only exactly when needed, and not just as filler". He set certain rules for himself with trimming so that he did not overuse or under-use it; overusing would make the map too complex and under-using would make it too flat. Another thing different from Dust is that Dust II did not undergo any other major layout changes.[7] History Dust II was developed by David Johnston for the first game in the series as a conceptual sequel to the existing Dust map. Chris "MacMan" Ashton helped provide textures for the map. Johnston originally titled it "Dust 3" because he did not think it was a worthy successor to Dust; before the game's launch it was retitled Dust II. The map was designed to be simple and balanced.[7] During the initial development of the map, "Long A", a long pathway that leads towards the "A Site", was not present. It existed in the map because of space limitations of the engine.[8] During development, map features such as caverns that would have provided cover, a window in "B Site", and a longer ramp in the Counter-Terrorist's Spawn to A Site were removed.[3] After its initial release on March 13, 2001, as part of Counter-Strike 1.1,[1] the map received minimal changes following updates to the rest of the game, but received small graphical updates and lighting changes. It also received graphical updates in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Counter-Strike's Xbox release.[7] Counter-Strike: Source Counter-Strike: Source was allowed to use Valve's new Source game engine and changed some of the physics. Dust II received a graphical update and new objects that would affect gameplay were added. New doors were added and a crate at "Middle" was made easier to climb. A raised ceiling made firing down from T spawn onto Mid Doors easier.[9] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive featured more graphical updates and changed all of the doors from wooden doors to metal doors, making them much more difficult to penetrate.[9] In an update on February 3, 2017, Dust II was removed from the Active Duty Competitive Pool, a group of whitelisted maps for professional games, in the competitive game mode. It was instead replaced by "Inferno" and, at the same time, given its own exclusive map group in the Casual and Deathmatch game modes.[10][4] In October 2017, Valve released a beta remake of the map, which improved upon player readability, visuals, and movement.[11][12][13] A week later, the updated version was made public.[14] In April 2018, the map was put back in the Active Duty Competitive Pool, replacing "Cobblestone".[15] In November 2022, Valve removed Dust II from the Active Duty Competitive Pool in favor of "Anubis".[16] Reception Dust II has been in every Counter-Strike game to date and, as of the 2017 updates, continues to receive positive reception from mapmakers and players. Shawn "FMPONE" Snelling, a Counter-Strike mapmaker, said: "Valve has given the map a very cohesive and 'tactile' look, making it easier to get a read on your surroundings".[17] Mitch Bowman of PC Gamer praised the 2017 update, stating: "It's a healthy overhaul that makes some modest but interesting changes without reinventing the wheel."[2] Professional Counter-Strike players have mixed opinions; some players enjoyed the update and its changes, while some were disapproving. Jake "Stewie2K" Yip criticized the addition of a car to the map, saying, "you can hide behind it well, and I just think it's kind of overpowered".[18] Impact and legacy An imitation of Dust II in Far Cry 5's "Far Cry Arcade" Dust II has existed since 2001 and has been subject to imitation, spin offs, and disapproval from the gaming community. In February 2017, the map was removed from the Active Duty Competitive Pool in Global Offensive, a group of maps played in professional competitions. The map was removed in favor of a revamped version of a map titled Inferno.[10] There was an immediate backlash to this change from professional players and community members; according to Peter "ptr" Gurney, Valve "[took] out a map that's balanced and put a map in that literally has at least 4-5 problems I can think of right away".[19] Fabien "kioShiMa" Fiey, another professional Counter-Strike player, said, "Why is everyone so surprised. Looks logical that [Dust II] is removed, the only one that has not been redone??", referring to the earlier reworking and refinement of other Global Offensive maps before this change.[19] There have been several imitations and recreations of Dust II. In early 2014, it was reported that the map had been recreated in real life, though the location of its recreation is not known.[20] Dust II has also been found in other games because of the work of modders. In 2018, Luke Millanta published a re-textured version of Dust II in which the maps original textures had been replaced by cyberpunk-themed materials.[21][22] The map has seen imitations in games such as Far Cry 3, Far Cry 5, Crossfire, Minecraft, and Cube 2: Sauerbraten.[7][23][24] The game Dustnet explores the theme of the fragility of multiplayer experiences and player bases, and is set on the far future, entirely inside "the last copy of de_dust2 in the world".[25] It includes a hidden homage to David Johnston, the original creator of Dust II, as well as numerous references to Counter-Strike and Quake.[25] Source: Dust II - Wikipedia Submitter Daemon Submitted 01/27/2023 Category Classic  
  17. If you want to add custom addons, plugins follow the steps bellow: mkdir ~/amxmodx && cd ~/amxmodx Download the amxmodx and cstrike addons: wget https://www.amxmodx.org/amxxdrop/1.9/amxmodx-1.9.0-git5293-base-linux.tar.gz ; wget https://www.amxmodx.org/amxxdrop/1.9/amxmodx-1.9.0-git5293-cstrike-linux.tar.gz ; tar -xvf amxmodx-1.9.0-git5293-base-linux.tar.gz && tar -xvf amxmodx-1.9.0-git5293-cstrike-linux.tar.gz ; Copy the addons folder to your server mv addons ~/Steam/cs_server/cstrike
  18. How many servers are using ReHLDS? here you can see: GameTracker.com At the end of this topic you will find what ReHLDS is in case of you don'd know it already. Install If you don't know how to install it follow those steps bellow. Go to Releases · dreamstalker/rehlds (github.com) and download the latest Release (BIN) of ReHLDS in my case is https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/releases/download/ You need to install zip on your linux. Ubuntu sudo apt-get install zip Go to your server directory location cd ~/Steam/cs_server Download and Extract the files wget https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/releases/download/ ; unzip -o rehlds-bin- ; rm -rf rehlds-bin- ; What is ReHLDS:
  19. What is Reunion? The Reunion plugin allow the players from steam and non-steam (47/48) to connect on your ReHLDS server! Install Download the archive form Extract the archive content to your desktop, copy reunion.cfg inside your server, cstrike folder. Now go inside the directory bin/linux and copy reunion_mm_i386.so inside your server, addons/metamod/dlls folder. Add new line at the end of the file cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini linux addons/metamod/dlls/reunion_mm_i386.so
  20. Bellow you can find all the commands that you need to create an Counter-Strike: 1.6 Server on Ubuntu 22.04.1 Requirements Default sudo apt install curl wget file tar bzip2 gzip unzip bsdmainutils python3 util-linux ca-certificates binutils bc jq tmux netcat lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 libsdl2-2.0-0:i386 steamcmd Add the multiverse repository and the i386 architecture: sudo add-apt-repository multiverse sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 Update the repository to make sure new packages can be installed: sudo apt update Install the 32 bit libraries that steamcmd requires: sudo apt install lib32gcc-s1 lib32stdc++6 libc6-i386 libcurl4-gnutls-dev:i386 libsdl2-2.0-0:i386 Security Secure your game server add new user and set new password adduser cstrike_server Change to the new user sudo su cstrike_server You can find his directory on /home/cstrike_server Security tips for your server here: soon Server files Download the latest version of the server use the command: curl -sqL "https://github.com/oldstyle-community/cstrike_steamcmd/archive/refs/tags/8684.tar.gz" | tar zxvf - Set permissions: chmod -R 777 ~/cstrike_steamcmd-8684 Test if the server starts using this command, remember edit the <IP> with your vps/vds ip address: ./hlds_run -console -game cstrike +ip <IP> +port 27015 +map de_dust +maxplayers 32 +pingboost 2 +sys_ticrate 1000 In case of 'FATAL ERROR (shutting down): Unable to initialize Steam.' press CTRL+C and try again one more time the command above. Now if is working you can start the server with the command screen and if you close your ssh console the server will be on always. cd ~/cstrike_steamcmd-8684 && screen -S CSTRIKE_SERVER -X quit && screen -S CSTRIKE_SERVER -d -m ./hlds_run -console -game cstrike +ip <IP> +port 27015 +map de_dust +maxplayers 32 +pingboost 2 +sys_ticrate 1000 To leave the console wihout closing the server press: CTRL+A+D If you want to open the console back use the command: screen -r CSTRIKE_SERVER E.G. Login Failure: No Connection On linux servers, you may experience a "Login Failure: No Connection" error. This is related to missing iptables rules. You will want something along these lines: iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 27000:27030 --dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 4380 --dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 27000:27030 --dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 4380 --dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPT Done. ReHLDS or HLDS If you want to use ReHLDS scroll down to the section, if not use HLDS steps. HLDS If you want to customize your server with addons and plugins follow the steps bellow: AMX Mod X Metamod dproto Done. ReHLDS Here you can see what ReHLDS means and how to install it: https://olds.ro/topic/14729-how-to-install-rehlds-tutorial/ AMX Mod X Metamod-p Reunion Done. Sources used in this tutorial: https://olds.ro HLDS, AMX Mod X, Metamod, dproto https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD https://www.amxmodx.org/downloads-new.php https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Installing_AMX_Mod_X_Manually CS.RIN.RU - Steam Underground Community • View topic - dproto [0.9.582] - HLDS serverside crack (22/09/2017) ReHLDS, AMX Mod X, metamod-p, reunion https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds https://github.com/jkivilin/metamod-p http://www.dedicated-server.ru/vbb/showthread.php?t=26486
  21. Daemon

    Server online

    Serverul este online dar inca se lucreaza la imbunatatiri deci orice propunere este bine venita si luata in calcul.
  22. Se lucreaza la serverul de CSDM daca aveti propuneri nu ezitati sa lasati un reply, si poate il facem mai frumos.
  23. client_connect Данная функция вызывается когда игрок присоединяется к серверу Aceasta functie este folosita atunci cand jucatoru se conecteaza pe server clinet_putinserver Форвард функция client_putinserver вызывается каждый раз когда игрок заходит на сервер ( именно в тот момент когда он начинает видеть карту и первое MODT окно) se cheama de fiecare data atunci cand jucatori intra pe server , in acel moment cand el vede mapa si prima fereastra MOTD client_authorized вызывается когда игрок проходит проверку на Steam_id atunci cand jucatorul i s-a atribuit un SteamID
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  25. M-am gandit sa fac un tutorial in care sa va explic cum sa aveti tinta cat mai mica in jocul Counter-Strike 1.6.Deci sa incepem: 1.Marimea tintei Pentru a avea cea mai mica marime a tintei bagati asta in consola sau in config: Info: - Puteti accesa consola la intrarea in Counter-Strike apasand butonul ~ - Config.cfg il gasiti in C:/ sau D:/Cs/cstrike/config.cfg 2.Rezolutia jocului Eu va recomand rezolutia 640x480, cu aceasta rezolutia va garantez ca tinta este foarte mica. Info: - Pentru a va schimba rezolutia intrati in Counter-Strike -> Options -> Video si setati 640x480 3.OpenGL/Software Folositi cu incredere OpenGL , nu produce LAG si puteti avea arma pe partea dreapta. Tutorial cum sa ai arma pe partea dreapta -> Aici Info: - Pentru a pune jocul pe OpenGL intrati in Counter-Strike -> Options -> Video si setati OpenGL 4.Setarile internetului Tinta poate sa vi se mareasca sau sa scada in functie si de setarile in jocul CS care se refera la Internet.Puneti asta in config-ul vostru sau scrieti-le la intrarea injoc in consola: Info: - Config-ul si consola v-am explicat mai sus cum le gasiti. - Alte tutoriale folositoare care ajuta la cresterea FPS-ului : Aici1 sau Aici2 5.Un mic truc Scrieti in config.cfg sau in consola cand intrati in CS , asta : Apoi cand intrati pe un anumit server va lasati de pe CTRL si apasati "l" si apoi "p" apoi va ridicati si va ramane tinta de parca tineti apasat pe CTRL. Autor: negAtiwe

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